ITM University Gwalior is ranked as a Platinum Category Engineering Institute in India by AICTE, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India in 2017.
“ITM University-Gwalior”, is established by the Act of State Legislature, M.P. and is notified in the Official Gazette (extra-ordinary) of the State Government after having received the assent of His Excellency Governor of M.P. “ITM University-Gwalior”, is sponsored by Samata Lok Sansthan(a registered charitable Trust). The Trust was successfully running various Institutions in discipline of Engineering, Technology, Life Science, Computer Applications, Management, Nursing & Education etc for the last 15 years enjoying top notch ranking in the State & Region.
This application is developed by the ERP Cell of ITM University and is an attempt to facilitate all the students of the University.